Quote Price Calculator

Total (Incl. GST) :$ 132.00
90 x 55mm50$ 132.00
100$ 132.00
250$ 167.44
500$ 298.12
1000$ 543.15
2000$ 996.44
3000$ 1,372.14
4000$ 1,829.52
5000$ 2,286.90
6000$ 2,597.27
7000$ 3,030.14
8000$ 3,463.02
9000$ 3,895.90
10000$ 4,328.78
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125 x 125mm50$ 132.00
100$ 250.07
250$ 567.19
500$ 1,057.04
1000$ 1,933.60
2000$ 3,660.94
3000$ 5,491.41
4000$ 6,600.00
5000$ 8,250.00
6000$ 9,900.00
7000$ 11,459.76
8000$ 13,096.88
9000$ 14,733.99
10000$ 16,371.10
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Low Tack Clear (Static Cling)

Repositionable Stickers are easily applied, removed, and reused without any force or sticky residue.

Standard Turn Around: 2 Working days from 12pm cut off

We've introduced Square Metre Pricing so we can now offer lowest prices excluding freight!

Learn how to SET UP YOUR ARTWORK HERE . Clear Cling stickers offer full colour images and a completely clear background.