Quote Price Calculator

Total (Incl. GST) :$ 52.12
Tiny (75x75) x 50 Sheets20$ 60.46
50$ 92.78
100$ 140.73
150$ 192.84
200$ 244.96
250$ 297.08
500$ 547.26
750$ 813.07
1000$ 1,058.03
View More
Tiny (75x75) x 100 Sheets20$ 130.30
50$ 182.42
100$ 297.08
150$ 411.74
200$ 526.40
250$ 641.07
500$ 1,235.22
750$ 1,798.12
1000$ 2,324.52
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80 Laser Notepads

Notepads - 80gsm Laser


Looking for an economical notepad option? Our 80gsm Notepads are the perfect choice and come standard with cardboard backing . As one of the most used pieces of stationery, they're the perfect economical product to include in your next promotion.

Please note that our notepads do not come with lines as standard, these need to be included in your artwork.