Quote Price Calculator

Total (Incl. GST) :$ 138.60

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1600x500mm1$ 138.60
2$ 211.20
3$ 284.63
4$ 356.40
5$ 433.13
6$ 504.90
7$ 577.50
8$ 646.80
9$ 720.23
10$ 775.50
20$ 1,551.00
25$ 1,794.38
50$ 3,444.38
100$ 6,682.50
200$ 13,035.00
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Standee Display Set

Our standee displays are a perfect point of sale addition to any marketing campaign. The standees come inclusive of an adjustable aluminum stand to prop up your 5mm corflute cut out.
Our standard sizing includes Small (500 x 1600mm), Medium (600 x 1800mm) and Large (1200 x 1800mm), custom sizing also available.

Please note:
- Standees over 1200mm high will include a half cut through the corflute to allow it to fold and stay protected in transportation.