Quote Price Calculator

Total (Incl. GST) :$ 181.50

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A4 (297x210) x 25 Sheets
A3 (297x420) x 25 Sheets
A4 (297x210) x 50 Sheets20$ 181.50
50$ 330.00
100$ 511.50
150$ 668.25
200$ 841.50
250$ 1,014.75
500$ 1,872.75
750$ 2,772.00
1000$ 3,514.50
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100 Laser Desk Pads

100 Laser Desk Pads


Wanting to do something a little different this year? Our A4 & A3 desk pad calendars are the perfect alternative for branding that gets used daily. They're available in 25 and 50 sheet options, and are printed on 100gsm laser.