Quote Price Calculator

Total (Incl. GST) :$ 57.75

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600x450mm1$ 57.75
2$ 62.70
3$ 70.95
4$ 74.25
5$ 82.50
6$ 85.80
7$ 94.05
8$ 99.00
9$ 107.25
10$ 110.55
20$ 169.95
25$ 188.10
50$ 333.30
100$ 610.50
200$ 1,089.00
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600x450mm1$ 61.05
2$ 69.30
3$ 79.20
4$ 87.45
5$ 97.35
6$ 105.60
7$ 115.50
8$ 123.75
9$ 133.65
10$ 141.90
20$ 232.65
25$ 265.65
50$ 485.10
100$ 910.80
200$ 1,683.00
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Corflute 5mm

Corflute 5mm


For the perfect smooth finish we print direct on a 3 year monomeric vinyl & apply it to our 5mm white corflute. These are most commonly used to refill our Corflute Aframes & Ground Spikes, however suitable for all advertising purposes as they are a cost effective and interchangable form of marketing.

Available Extras:
- We offer whiteboard lamination which gives you the ability to write on the corflute and erase with any whiteboard marker.