Quote Price Calculator

Total (Incl. GST) :$ 156.75

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A4: 297x210
A3: 420x297
A2: 594x420
A1: 841x594mm
A0: 1188x841mm
A4: 297x2101$ 156.75
5$ 156.75
10$ 156.75
25$ 283.01
50$ 437.37
100$ 833.58
250$ 1,878.11
500$ 3,498.96
1000$ 6,689.18
2000$ 12,966.72
3000$ 19,450.08
4000$ 25,933.45
5000$ 32,416.81
6000$ 38,900.17
7000$ 45,383.53
8000$ 51,866.89
9000$ 58,350.25
10000$ 64,833.62
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Floor Graphics R12 Outdoor

Hog the sidewalk with our outdoor floor graphics!

Made from a PVC free aluminium foil, our outdoor floor graphics separates itself from competition flaunting a longer life span & higher slip/scratch resistance (CSIRO tested & rated at R12).

This materially is specifically designed for rough ground surfaces such as brick, concrete & bitchumen

Finishes Available:
- Cut to size (straight edge only)
- Die cut to shape.
Learn how to SET UP YOUR ARTWORK HERE for Die cut to shape finish.

Standard Turn Around: 5 Working days from 12pm cut off

Sale Includes:
25% off Indoor & Outdoor Floor Graphics.
Up to 10 QTY & 1 Version
Standard Sizes Only, extras not included.
Use Code: FLOOR0819.
Sale ends 31st August, 2019