Economy 310 Uncoated

Economy 310gsm Uncoated


Our Economy stock is a cost-effective choice for those that wish to spruce up the presentation of their products. Our uncoated stock option provides a smooth surface for price tag stickers and even hand written mark downs.
Standard (90 x 55)25$ 75.90
50$ 77.55
100$ 79.20
150$ 79.20
200$ 80.85
250$ 82.50
300$ 84.15
400$ 87.45
500$ 89.10
1000$ 97.35
2000$ 150.15
2500$ 179.85
3000$ 194.70
4000$ 285.45
5000$ 346.50
6000$ 407.55
7000$ 466.95
7500$ 513.15
8000$ 526.35
9000$ 585.75
10000$ 645.15
12500$ 783.62
15000$ 940.15
17000$ 1,065.37
20000$ 1,253.22
25000$ 1,566.28
30000$ 1,879.35
35000$ 2,147.69
50000$ 3,067.35
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Standard (90 x 55)25$ 84.15
50$ 85.80
100$ 87.45
150$ 89.10
200$ 90.75
250$ 92.40
300$ 97.35
400$ 100.65
500$ 102.30
1000$ 105.60
2000$ 156.75
2500$ 188.10
3000$ 202.95
4000$ 295.35
5000$ 358.05
6000$ 420.75
7000$ 481.80
7500$ 524.70
8000$ 541.20
9000$ 602.25
10000$ 663.30
12500$ 804.24
15000$ 964.90
17000$ 1,093.42
20000$ 1,286.22
25000$ 1,607.53
30000$ 1,928.85
35000$ 2,204.14
50000$ 3,149.85
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Total (Incl. GST) :$ 75.90
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Total (Incl. GST) :$ 75.90

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