324 Eggshell Superfine Artboard

Eggshell Superfine is a firm uncoated stock with a slightly creamy undertone. It has a subtle and simple texture that makes it perfect for projects in creative industries.

Standard (90 x 55)25$ 99.00
50$ 100.65
100$ 103.95
150$ 105.60
200$ 108.90
250$ 110.55
300$ 117.15
400$ 132.00
500$ 145.20
1000$ 191.40
2000$ 300.30
3000$ 392.70
4000$ 496.65
5000$ 577.50
6000$ 648.45
7000$ 750.75
8000$ 851.40
9000$ 953.70
10000$ 1,054.35
11000$ 1,125.30
12000$ 1,227.52
13000$ 1,329.72
14000$ 1,431.94
15000$ 1,534.15
16000$ 1,636.37
17000$ 1,738.57
18000$ 1,840.79
19000$ 1,943.01
20000$ 2,045.22
21000$ 2,147.43
22000$ 2,249.64
23000$ 2,351.86
24000$ 2,454.08
25000$ 2,556.28
26000$ 2,658.50
27000$ 2,760.71
28000$ 2,862.93
29000$ 2,965.13
30000$ 3,067.35
31000$ 3,103.65
32000$ 3,203.77
33000$ 3,303.91
34000$ 3,404.03
35000$ 3,504.17
36000$ 3,604.29
37000$ 3,704.43
38000$ 3,804.55
39000$ 3,904.68
40000$ 4,004.81
50000$ 5,006.10
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Standard (90 x 55)25$ 140.25
50$ 143.55
100$ 150.15
150$ 155.10
200$ 161.70
250$ 166.65
300$ 178.20
400$ 184.80
500$ 189.75
1000$ 231.00
2000$ 273.90
3000$ 389.40
4000$ 504.90
5000$ 620.40
6000$ 722.70
7000$ 823.35
8000$ 924.00
9000$ 1,024.65
10000$ 1,112.10
11000$ 1,186.35
12000$ 1,294.21
13000$ 1,402.07
14000$ 1,509.93
15000$ 1,617.78
16000$ 1,725.64
17000$ 1,833.50
18000$ 1,941.36
19000$ 2,049.22
20000$ 2,157.08
21000$ 2,264.92
22000$ 2,372.78
23000$ 2,480.64
24000$ 2,588.50
25000$ 2,696.36
26000$ 2,804.22
27000$ 2,912.07
28000$ 3,019.93
29000$ 3,127.79
30000$ 3,235.65
31000$ 3,273.60
32000$ 3,379.20
33000$ 3,484.80
34000$ 3,590.40
35000$ 3,696.00
36000$ 3,801.60
37000$ 3,907.20
38000$ 4,012.80
39000$ 4,118.40
40000$ 4,224.00
50000$ 5,280.00
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Total (Incl. GST) :$ 140.25
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Total (Incl. GST) :$ 140.25

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