5 Year Polymeric

5 Year Polymeric "Matt"


I am the post popular outdoor sticker (SAV) stock! With up to a 5 year lifespan this vinyl is suited for longer lasting messages.

Please note, UV Gel Printing provides a gloss finish

We've introduced Square Metre Pricing so we can now offer lowest prices excluding freight!


Please Note: The maximum width size of the media is 1330mm, anything larger than this will be split up through panelling

600x450mm1$ 74.25
5$ 74.25
10$ 106.03
50$ 434.36
Click here to calculate

Download free templates to assist you in creating your file.

A3: 420x297mm
A2: 594x420mm
A1: 841x594mm
A0: 1189x841mm

Quote Price Calculator

Total (Incl. GST) :$ 74.25
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Total (Incl. GST) :$ 74.25

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