440gsm Blockout Poster

440gsm Blockout Poster


Suitable for both indoor and outdoor use, this advanced white polypropylene specifically designed for outdoor street advertising. It has a vibrant white front & Back, and grey blockout middle for complete opacity. This media is ideal for point of sale products that require no show through.

We've introduced Square Metre Pricing so we can now offer lowest prices excluding freight!

Roll Up A00 (1682x1188)1$ 132.00
2$ 197.98
3$ 267.28
4$ 329.98
5$ 400.93
6$ 438.55
7$ 511.63
8$ 584.73
9$ 657.82
10$ 730.92
20$ 1,339.73
30$ 1,875.95
40$ 2,501.27
50$ 3,126.59
60$ 3,662.82
70$ 4,273.29
80$ 4,883.75
90$ 5,494.22
100$ 6,104.69
200$ 12,209.37
250$ 15,261.72
500$ 30,523.45
Click here to calculate

Download free templates to assist you in creating your file.

Roll Up A00 (1682x1188)
Roll up A0 (1188x841)
Roll up A1 (841x594)
Roll up A2 (594x420)
Roll up A3 (297x420)

Quote Price Calculator

Total (Incl. GST) :$ 57.75
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Total (Incl. GST) :$ 57.75

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